Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 tips for staying cool in the heat

So it’s a good time to share some advice on how to stay cool. Here are five tips you probably know already but which bear repeating:

1. Drink lots of water, even if you’re not thirsty. The biggest thing is the hydration problem.
2. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing, with a hat to protect against the sun.
3. Get chores done earlier in the day, when it’s cooler.
4. Spend time at places that have A.C. in abundance, like malls or libraries.
5. Don’t leave children or pets unattended in hot cars.

Now here are 10 tips you may not have considered:

1. Eat cold foods for breakfast, like melon, yogurt or cottage cheese.
2. Avoid high-protein foods, which require a cranked-up metabolism to burn. Eat shorter meals more frequently.
3. If you work from home, stay in the northeast part of the house, which tends to get the least sunlight.
4. Don’t run major appliances like the dishwasher or the TV during the day; it’ll just make the house feel hotter.
5. Draw the blinds early in the day, say 9 a.m.; it’ll keep the house cooler.
6. If you have a ceiling fan, use it in conjunction with your A.C. You can get away with raising the temp on the thermostat 2 degrees if you augment with a fan.
7. You can adjust the blades of some ceiling fans to turn counter-clockwise, which creates more downdraft and cools your skin. In the winter, blades should turn clockwise, to pull warmer air from the ceiling.
8. If you’re doing a lot of walking, don’t wear 100 percent cotton socks. You’ll sweat more and be likelier to get a blister.
9. Run cold water on your wrists, a “pulse point,” or splash water on your face or temples.
10. Spritz your sheets with a spray bottle before bedtime.

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